Hubley Happenings

Hubley Happenings
Angel Fire Summer 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

January Happenings- Story Time

Once a week we can be found at our local library’s story time. It’s a small library with not a lot of selection but they put a lot of effort into story time. They usually read a few books, have a craft and then a snack. Some days they have guest readers (local celebrities) like the Mayor or the High School football coach.

This particular day they were focusing on exercising and eating healthy in the new year, so they had a few girls from a local gym come perform a few routines (basically they were trying to convince us moms to sign up our talented little ones at their gym so they could help them become the next Olympic champion on the floor routine). Hannah and Nathan didn’t pick up on any of that, thank goodness, and had a really good time.

Here they are right up front trying to answer all the questions. I think this particular question was, “Can anyone name a vegetable?” to which Nathan yells out, “Vegetable!” Good try, son.


Nathan and Hannah taking their turn on the beam.




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