Hubley Happenings

Hubley Happenings
Angel Fire Summer 2014

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Henry’s 1st Birthday

Oh, sweet little Henry. We are all so crazy about you. Hannah still can’t keep her hands off of you, Nathan loves to wrestle with you already, Daddy likes to give you good snuggles in the morning and I can’t help but give you lots of kisses everyday! You bring a lot of fun to our family and always seem to have a big smile on your face…




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You don’t like having your diaper changed or putting on clothes and you scream at me when I don’t get your food to you fast enough, but are pretty easy going otherwise.

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Just like Hannah and Nathan, you love to be outside. If a door opens, you are there before it closes trying to make your way out.

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Out of all of our kids, you seem to have a special attachment to your daddy. You would rather go to him than me if given the choice and you love to just lay on his shoulder. It’s so sweet. Nathan and Hannah love their Daddy too, but you started your interest in him much earlier than they did it seems. 

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I’ve been putting your milestones in my phone over the past year as they happen. Since I haven’t done a monthly post about our sweet third child, I’ll recap them here:

Held up head- 4 weeks

Responsive smile- 8 weeks

Rolled over front to back- 11 weeks

Laughed out loud (to Little Piggies)- 11 weeks

Bottom two teeth- 5 months

Rolled over back to front- 5 months

Slept 8 hours- 5 1/2 months (he never consistently slept through the night until about 11 months)

Top two teeth- 7 months

Sat up- 7 months

Crawled- 8 1/2 months

Pulled up- 9 months

First word- “ma-ma” 9 1/2 months (although now he says da-da much more often)

First step- 11 months (he started really walking at about 12 1/2 months)

We love you so much, Henry B, and can’t wait to see how you grow this next year!

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